Sunday, December 27, 2009

Fast Pace Issue 01 Is Out!

Fast Pace is A DIY freestlye fixed zine, created by  Andy Compton.  Issue one just came out,  and it looks pretty promising.  I am actually really stoked on it.  Gus  has the cover shot, which is super sick!  To snag one, send  Andy an email, and a $1 donation.  You should support this, it looks sick, and with support, who knows where it will go!



  1. hey i cant thank you enough for the support, truly it means so much and the feedback has already exceeded my expectations. I was going to send some copies to king kog, but if you'd like one sent you to you personally i have no problem with that. just let me know. thanks again

  2. mos. def. want a copy
