By Matt Lingo
First, whats your name, where you from, how old are you man?
Well my name is Gus Molina, I'm originally from Honduras that’s were I was born but moved to America when I was one to southern California and I've been living here ever since. I just turned 22
You are fairly new to the industry. How did you get into riding, how long have you been riding, and what influences you to continue to do so?
I got into riding, I want to say, in the winter of 2008. One of my best friends (he’s what you call a nomad and travels across the country hopping trains and stuff haha) came back from one of his trips and he had some old Raleigh frame and fork and gave it to me because he knew I liked riding bikes, so he gave me that and I built that thing up and that’s pretty much when I started riding fixed. Basically what influences me is all the good time riding and just pushing myself and my friends.
Were you stoked to see how people reacted to your WRAHW weby? Everyone that I talked to was into it. I loved it man, especially the long wheelie to 180, out of nowhere.
Oh yah I was super pumped on how every one reacted to it. I really like how it came out. It showed my personal weird side and my riding style, not to put any one down but I feel like a lot of edits out there are just too damn serious and they never really show people crashing. There needs to be more crashes in edits.
The tunes in that edit were sick. Sort of some no wave punk thrash shit. Did you choose the music or what? What kind of stuff do you listen to?
Hell yeah I choose the music! My buddy that did the edit hated it though because he thought it was tough to edit to, but I just loved that song too much. Most of the stuff I listen to sounds like that, but I mean I listen to a whole bunch of stuff, I’m not too closed minded about music
I felt that you were not getting as much recognition as you deserved, and, your riding fits into the shreddy aesthetic that WRAHW is all about, so I added you to the Blood Fam. Although its all new, how does it feel to be a part of a family of dudes who are super sick, so far!? Are you excited about the near future?
Man I feel really honored to be honest the whole fam is a bunch of top notch riders and to be up there with them is amazing. I’m really grateful that you give me such an amazing opportunity like this, I’m really excited about the future with WRAHW.
I know you got a lot of cool things in the works that I’m really stoked on
On that note, sort of, do you have any supporters or sponsors who are helping you out, besides WRAHW? Wonka and I were talking about it recently…
Yah I do. I just got picked up by SE and I’m really excited about working with them so just keep your eyes open for some new things in the future .
Are you coming out to RVA for the jam and DP2 premier or what?!
NO and I’m really bummed about it. I’ve been jobless since the summer and I’ve had shit luck trying to find a job so my funds are really really low, so ill be M.I.A. on that one. I feel like things are going to go off there too and it sucks ill be missing it.
I saw tons of photos of your eye being really busted. What happened man? It looks insane!
All I have to say is watch revoked when it comes out hahaha but yah it sucks worst black I have ever had but the chicks dig it.
You got any thank you’s up your sleeves?
Of course! I want to thank, Andy , Bryan, Dave, Alex, Max, Adam, Hector, Dj, Marcus, Chris , Rocco, Nick, The Heathens, Shadie Culture, SE, Us versus them, you and the WRAHW FAM.
Well my name is Gus Molina, I'm originally from Honduras that’s were I was born but moved to America when I was one to southern California and I've been living here ever since. I just turned 22
You are fairly new to the industry. How did you get into riding, how long have you been riding, and what influences you to continue to do so?
I got into riding, I want to say, in the winter of 2008. One of my best friends (he’s what you call a nomad and travels across the country hopping trains and stuff haha) came back from one of his trips and he had some old Raleigh frame and fork and gave it to me because he knew I liked riding bikes, so he gave me that and I built that thing up and that’s pretty much when I started riding fixed. Basically what influences me is all the good time riding and just pushing myself and my friends.
By Brandon Means
I remember seeing your first edit and being like, woah this is the first bigger dude that I have seen who really rips and has solid style. Do you feel that your BMX background helped you with that, or do you just focus really hard on looking smooth enough?
When I first started riding I didn’t really focus too much on having a smooth style but as of recent I’ve been really trying to find my own little niche when its come to style but I would most defiantly have to say that my bmx background did help.
Were you stoked to see how people reacted to your WRAHW weby? Everyone that I talked to was into it. I loved it man, especially the long wheelie to 180, out of nowhere.
Oh yah I was super pumped on how every one reacted to it. I really like how it came out. It showed my personal weird side and my riding style, not to put any one down but I feel like a lot of edits out there are just too damn serious and they never really show people crashing. There needs to be more crashes in edits.
The tunes in that edit were sick. Sort of some no wave punk thrash shit. Did you choose the music or what? What kind of stuff do you listen to?
Hell yeah I choose the music! My buddy that did the edit hated it though because he thought it was tough to edit to, but I just loved that song too much. Most of the stuff I listen to sounds like that, but I mean I listen to a whole bunch of stuff, I’m not too closed minded about music
I felt that you were not getting as much recognition as you deserved, and, your riding fits into the shreddy aesthetic that WRAHW is all about, so I added you to the Blood Fam. Although its all new, how does it feel to be a part of a family of dudes who are super sick, so far!? Are you excited about the near future?
Man I feel really honored to be honest the whole fam is a bunch of top notch riders and to be up there with them is amazing. I’m really grateful that you give me such an amazing opportunity like this, I’m really excited about the future with WRAHW.
I know you got a lot of cool things in the works that I’m really stoked on
On that note, sort of, do you have any supporters or sponsors who are helping you out, besides WRAHW? Wonka and I were talking about it recently…
Yah I do. I just got picked up by SE and I’m really excited about working with them so just keep your eyes open for some new things in the future .
Are you coming out to RVA for the jam and DP2 premier or what?!
NO and I’m really bummed about it. I’ve been jobless since the summer and I’ve had shit luck trying to find a job so my funds are really really low, so ill be M.I.A. on that one. I feel like things are going to go off there too and it sucks ill be missing it.
I saw tons of photos of your eye being really busted. What happened man? It looks insane!
All I have to say is watch revoked when it comes out hahaha but yah it sucks worst black I have ever had but the chicks dig it.
By Chris Fonseca
Hows filming for Fonsecas Revoked video? It looks like it will be pretty solid, especially your rail grinding! Did you hear about all the weird beef that was cooked up about the hidden identity shit with Chris?
Man filming with Chris is always a blast dude is so funny and he’s always trying to push you, which I like. Its just always a good time with him. I heard about it. The way I see it was, he was just trying to look out for the riders and not get the hate brought to them for being in his film, but haters gone hate right? haha
Hows filming for Fonsecas Revoked video? It looks like it will be pretty solid, especially your rail grinding! Did you hear about all the weird beef that was cooked up about the hidden identity shit with Chris?
Man filming with Chris is always a blast dude is so funny and he’s always trying to push you, which I like. Its just always a good time with him. I heard about it. The way I see it was, he was just trying to look out for the riders and not get the hate brought to them for being in his film, but haters gone hate right? haha
By Chris Fonseca
What’s your outlook on the whole peg on a fixed gear deal? Why do you ride a peg?
Honestly at first I wasn’t that into it, but it really opens up more doors you know just so many different tricks you can do some people are totally against it but I’m all for it, just pushes the sport more and I’m all for that.
I don’t think that many people know about this, but you are one of the constructors of the Fast Pace zine. What is your roll in all that, and how’s it going over there?
My roll is pretty much behind the scenes kind of stuff I take care of all the layouts logos and what not and occasionally helping out with some decisions Andy and Rocco take care of all the hard stuff I pretty much have the easy job haha
Do you have any traveling plans coming up, A NYC trip for the Bicycle Film Festival maybe?
As of right now nothing is really set in stone but I’m hoping for the best. I would really like to travel outside of California and shred some different spots, it would be like a dream come true.
Honestly at first I wasn’t that into it, but it really opens up more doors you know just so many different tricks you can do some people are totally against it but I’m all for it, just pushes the sport more and I’m all for that.
I don’t think that many people know about this, but you are one of the constructors of the Fast Pace zine. What is your roll in all that, and how’s it going over there?
My roll is pretty much behind the scenes kind of stuff I take care of all the layouts logos and what not and occasionally helping out with some decisions Andy and Rocco take care of all the hard stuff I pretty much have the easy job haha
Do you have any traveling plans coming up, A NYC trip for the Bicycle Film Festival maybe?
As of right now nothing is really set in stone but I’m hoping for the best. I would really like to travel outside of California and shred some different spots, it would be like a dream come true.
You got any thank you’s up your sleeves?
Of course! I want to thank, Andy , Bryan, Dave, Alex, Max, Adam, Hector, Dj, Marcus, Chris , Rocco, Nick, The Heathens, Shadie Culture, SE, Us versus them, you and the WRAHW FAM.
By Soybeandave
Thanks Gus. Be good man.
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Right on, Gus! Great interview, Wrahw. Very entertaining, fun read w/ interesting questions and well-chosen photos to match. Hope the eye heals up quick, mang.
ReplyDeleteyour technique is magnificent.
ReplyDeleteGreat interview, love the see the big boys get at it.
ReplyDeleteYEAH GUS! You give me hope man. keep rippin.
ReplyDelete@ San Antonio Employment Lawyers.....Do you ride? Im new to san antonio. haven't really met any people that ride fixed gear bikes, or people that like fsfg riding.
nice to see this kids name up where it belongs. with the pushers! big ups!
ReplyDeleteI wish people in corpus would ride man!
ReplyDeleteThere's like 5 fixed riders and i'm the only fsfg rider and i'm still pretty amateur:/
I wanna take a trip through san a, through san m and eventually chill in austin for a few.
Meet some riders and shred!
It's great being part of a community like this.