Sunday, December 13, 2009

Death Pedal 2 Filming in NYC

A phew nights before Kareem came to NYC we had a top secret meeting about how things were going with Death Pedal 2.  After some underground clip previewing from Kareem, Wonka and I both decided that this shit is going to be on point.  Congo, I see you!

Hi Kareem.

The weapons.

This is the first spot of the week, shit was cold as fuck out!

Reppin at Chari & Co.

We headed to Staten Island for real spots.  Little did we know that the spots would be way more gnarly than we expected, and so many bangers were to be had.

WRAHW tranny building.

WRAHW tranny

This school was sick, and was the second spot that we went to in Staten Island.  So much went down.  We stayed here all day, because there was spots all around the campus.

So much gnar!

You have no idea how sick this was!  Oh my!  The game has been pushed people.

These are just a phew photos from the first two days of filming.  I am in school dealing with finals, but I will try to catch up with Kareem and Wonka, as much as possible, to keep my eyes on the insanity that unfolds while Wonka films his part.

So excited.